Tim Lambrecht – Justice can be achieved against mammoth companies

My friends and colleagues that know what I’ve been through the last 20 years, as a CEO, know that I see everything in a positive light.

The frank truth is that companies and people will always take advantage of the weak, however, we Americans don’t give up on the little guy easily.  You see it in a restaurant, in the streets, and even in business.  We were made to protect each other – due or die.  Sometimes the payment/risk for protecting others is significant, and the reward………….well………..is sometimes lower than nothing.  But, it doesn’t matter.  If we stand up for what is right, no matter the cost, we will have know in our hearts and minds that we did the right thing.  🙂

Yes, I’ve had my fair share of legal battles………….and then some.  There area  few things I’d like to change in the past, but I can’t.  Either way, David never apologized to Goliath.  If you’ve been in a situation like that, nor should you!  🙂

Tim Lambrecht sues Dell for fraud to protect other IT firms

Author: Tim Lambrecht

A CEO of a technology cloud services company called www.incompassit.com since 1996, and residing in Minnesota. I believe in using a business to help and sustain the community in significant ways.